Positve Tanning Facts You Should Know.
Local Oakville tanning salon provides up to date tanning information.
Most times you only hear the possible bad side about tanning. Unfortunately to make headlines or other agendas the actual risks associated with tanning are greatly over exaggerated. Vitamin D experts say that the SUNBLOCK companies and DERMATLOGISTS have done such a good job on marketing scare people away from the sunshine. In fact people in north america and more specifically Canada are extremly Vitamin D Deficient.
Some estimates are that for every 1 life taken because of skin cancer … up to 100 lives are taken because all of the other cancers and disease you are getting from such a low vitamin D levels. Wow, when I heard this I was shocked. Our over exaggerated fear of the sun is killing us 100 to 1 times faster. It seems so sad that the newspapers and news companies magazines ect print such bad info without looking deeply into the the facts presented by both sides of the equation.
Experts agree we do need some sunshine for human health.
Scientists, doctors and vitamin D experts agree vitamin D may be the biggest breakthrough in human health. Having adequate vitamin D levels reduces your risk of dying from all sources. Humans are designed for thousands of years to get this health saving vitamin from the sun. For us to ignore this is just crazy. It is physically impossible to eat enough food in a day to get the vitamin D our bodies need. Maybe that’s why mother nature designed our skin to absorb the sunshine and turn it into active healthy vitamin D.
Man made pills are not the same. They are not a suitable alternative. Man made pills for vitamin D have to be processed by the body and turned into active forms. Our bodies lose vitamin D in the process as well. So taking 1000 milligrams does not actually give your body 1000 milligrams of effective vitamin D. This causes stress on our bodies and there are cases of over dosing on man made vitamin D. However there are no known cases of overdosing when getting the vitamin from UVB light exposure ( sunshine outside or indoor tanning salon). Again here is more proof our bodies are designed to obtain and regulate vitamin D levels on its own when exposed to UVB light.
Here are some facts from the JCTA – Joint Canadian Tanning Association Brochure.
Canadians are wearing too much sunscreen. We are even wearing sunscreen in fall and spring when the sun in Canada is not even hot enough to make vitamin D in our skin. Wearing SPF 8 blocks 92.5 percent of vitamin D. Spf 15 blocks 99 percent of vitamin D. You should not be changing what mother nature intended for your skin. Yes of course you want to prevent over exposure. You want to prevent sunburn. But you should not avoid the sun all together. Only use the sunblock when you are going outside for extended periods of time.
Sunburn prevention not sun avoidance is the best way to prevent permanent skin damage. Many other lifestyle factors can greatly affect your skin health.
- A high fat diet can increase your risk for skin cancer as much as 90 percent.
- Smokin can icrease your risk of skin cancer by up to 50 percent.
There is no such thing as artificial UV light. Uv light generated from the sun outside and a tanning bed are exactlry the same. However with a tanning bed you can control the amount of sun exposure. Tanning beds with UVB light produce vitamin D in human skin just like the sun outside.
Be smart – tan inside – a controlled environment to get your vitamin D especially in winter.
Largest and most recent skin cancer study reports:
No association with sunbed exposure and melanoma skin cancer.
18 of 22 studies show no statistically significant connection between indoor tanning and melanoma ! The largest and most recent study concluded ” Our study confirmed the expected associations and fair skin, positive family history but did not find a significant association with exposure to the sun and/or sunbeds”
Why then are we being told to avoid the sun soo much ?????
Well , if your scared of the sun and keep buying sunblock and spf …. these companies make Billions a year in sales yes Billions of dollars to scare us out of the sun. Enough said right there. Most big industry does not care about human health. For goodness sake our own government does not even care. They sell alcohol and tobacco on every street corner in canada. Ohh and yes they know about all the realted deaths from alcohol use and abuse as well as tobacco. The government does not care as long as they get thier tax money.
To read more positive effects and why you should be getting some tanning bed sessions follow these links.
Another article by your local tanning salon Tan in the Wild serving Oakville Mississauga and Burlington Ontario.